@misc{Bondarenko.Howes.Larsson_DEC_2019, author = "Anastasia Bondarenko and Christine Howes and Staffan Larsson", abstract = "Transcriptions, audio and annotations of Directory Enquires dialogues collected by Anastasia Bondarenko as part of a Masters in Language Technology at Gothenburg University. <\br> <\br> For details of the corpus collection and initial annotation see <\br> <\br> Bonderenko (2019). Grounding of names in directory enquiries dialogue. A corpus study of listener feedback. Masters thesis. University of Gothenburg (available via osf link). ", howpublished = "Available via the Open Science Framework at: https://osf.io/2vjkh/", month = "August", note = "available at http://osf.io/2vjkh", publisher = "OSF", title = "{D}irectory {E}nquiries {C}orpus", url = "http://osf.io/2vjkh", year = "2019", }