@conference{Vanzan.HanQiu.AyubKhan.Soupiana.Howes_Semdial_2024, author = "Vanessa Vanzan and Amy Han Qiu and Fahima Ayub Khan and Chara Soupiana and Christine Howes", abstract = "We present an ongoing experimental study of how people respond to commonly observed text-emoji patterns in online text-based chats. Using the Dialogue Experimental Toolkit (DiET; Healey et al. 2003), experiments are conducted to compare responses to the same message followed by emojis of opposite emotional valences.", booktitle = "Proceedings of the 28th Workshop on the Semantics and Pragmatics of Dialogue - Poster Abstract", issn = "2308-2275", title = "{E}moji-{T}ext {M}ismatches: {S}tirring the {P}ot of {O}nline {C}onversations", url = "http://semdial.org/anthology/Z24-Vanzan_semdial_0038.pdf", year = "2024", }